Kid's Good News
Vol 1-issue 45            Dec/26 /2002


From Sherly's desk:
This Week's Riddle #39
Answer of Riddle #38 and Winner
Change of Email Addresses

From Sherly's Desk:
Ducky duck and Christmas Story -III

Ducky duck and other kids enjoyed hearing Christmas story.  It was warm and cozy around the fireplace.  They all went to sleep early as on the next day they had to go to Church for Christmas service.  Ducky duck could not get sleep, as he was really excited thinking to wear his new dress.

They sang beautiful songs related to Christ’s birth and worshipped the Lord.  Then came the time of message when pastor preached a beautiful message about the birth of Jesus.  “Though Jesus being God still humbled Himself and was born in the form of a man and placed in a manger to save us from our sin.  He loved us so much that He chose to come down in this world and take birth in a manger…”  He further said, “Humble your hearts and invite Jesus in your hearts, let the Savior of the world come in.  If He has not yet come into your hearts then celebrating Christmas is meaningless and in vain.”  

Ducky duck heard everything carefully but his little mind could not grasp everything.  He had many questions in his mind.  On the way home he asked his mother,  “momma, Jesus is so big how can He come and reside in my heart?”  She told him, “Jesus is God and there is nothing impossible with Him.  He is so big that heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him.  But when we invite Him in our hearts, He comes and dwells in our small hearts. Jesus said in Rev 3:20,  "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

He could not really understand what his mother was saying, but he could get an idea that Jesus can come into our hearts and dwell among us and have fellowship with us.  He recalled one incident when his teacher told about his experience that when he invited Jesus in his life, his life was completely changed and he stopped doing wrong and mischievous things.  How it happens, he thought and asked his mother, “Is it true that when Jesus comes in a person’s life his life changes?”  She said, “Yes it is true.”  But how, Ducky duck asked?  She replied, “Jesus forgives our sins and washes us with His precious blood.  Whatever wrong you did in past is forgiven when Jesus comes into your life.  And He gives strength to live a holy life.”  Oh, Ducky duck said, “It seems to me like you momma and dad helps me to do everything correctly in my day today life.  That’s right, momma duck said. 

By the time they reached home and then, they had their wonderful Christmas feast with other relatives and friends.

My little friend, if you have not yet invited Jesus in your life then this is the time to accept Him in your life.  Please pray this prayer with me:

Loving Jesus I am a sinner. Please forgive and forget all my sins and come into my life. Help me to live a holy life and a life pleasing to you.  I invite you in my life and accept you as my Lord and Savior.  I know that you are coming in my life and changing my life.  I give you all praise and glory.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


  This week's Riddle #39

What is the food of angels?

Kids, who will be able to answer correctly, their names will be published
here.  While answering please do not forget to write your
"name" and "age"  To send your answers click here

Answer of Riddle #38 and Winner

Prophets prophesied in Old Testament that the Messiah's birth would be in Bethlehem. Where we find this prophecy in Old Testament?

Answer: It is in Micah 5:2 where it says, "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting."

And the riddle was taken from:
Micah 5:2

Winners:  Congratulations!!!
Bincy A Thomas, 13 yrs, Kuwait. 
Bevin A. Thomas, 12 yrs, Kuwait
Bryan A. Thomas, 8 yrs, Kuwait. 

Change of Email Addresses

Please note our new email addresses.
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